We acknowledge that we still have a lot to learn, and there is room for improvement. We invite you to join in our journey of truth and reconciliation, decolonization and indigenization.

Our Programs > Decolonization  Workshops

Decolonization Workshops

Our decolonization work began with connecting with Indigenous leaders in the community, building a strong foundation for long-lasting relationships and asking for guidance. We are honoured and grateful to have MVAEC and the VACPC as our key partners.  

The E.D. of VACPC, Norm Leech, has facilitated cultural competency and decolonization training for our staff team and community members through workshops conducted both in person and online. The workshops for community members took place in 3 cycles, each cycle over multiple days. For the online programs, participants spent 12 to 14 hours together over 4-6 weeks to discuss topics ranging from the history of colonization, trauma informed therapy and Indigenous versus colonial worldviews. 

To many, these workshops were transformative and life-altering. Many felt a greater connection with the land and their own roots, and felt they understood the idea of decolonization better as well as what role they could play in the movement. The impact of this work on individuals and the community has been inspiring and we hope to continue making space for these important conversations. 

We look forward to a future where our community has a greater respect for the land that we live on as well as its people who were the original care takers for time immemorial.   We hope to continue learning and growing to become a truly inclusive neighbourhood house where people from all cultures and backgrounds can share their gifts respectfully with one another. 

All our relations. 


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